The Happy Bear Coffee Company is pleased to contribute to our local community. All requests for donations must be submitted online through our online form (click here). We cannot accept requests made via mail, e-mail, social media, in-person, and/or phone. 

To submit your request, please fill out the online form, after reviewing the guidelines below:

  • All requests for donations must be submitted online, 4 to 6 weeks prior to the event.
  • Requests submitted less than 4 weeks prior to the event will not be accepted.
  • Event organizers should expect to receive their donation item within two weeks of the event date.
  • Requests must include 501(c)3 status information or the required background information on your non-profit or fundraising effort.
  • Limit one request per event or organization per year, if possible.
  • Requests MUST include an event date to be considered.
  • After this form is completed, a determination will be made within 7 business days.
  • Although not all requests can be filled, we do personally review every completed request that is submitted.

Happy Bear Coffee Company is a family-owned business which receives numerous donation requests.  We wish we could support everyone and every cause, but we’re simply not able to contribute to all requests.  There are several organizations with which both our company and our team have strong ties over many years.

We also try, when possible, to support causes brought to our attention by our loyal customers – friends we have made who have supported our business throughout the years.  Returning their loyalty and supporting their non-profit interests is very important to us.

We review requests on a case by case basis. We love to hear from our customers via e-mail, Facebook and Instagram messages, but we need you to complete the online form found here if you’d like to be considered.


Happy Bear Coffee Company is proud to have a wonderfully effective non-profit fundraising program utilizing our great coffees at wholesale pricing.  Please ask for details if you think coffee would be a good fundraiser for you.  Thank you for your support and for thinking of us.

Donation options to consider when filling out the form below

  • Coffee for the Event (Packaged and Ready to Brew)
  • HBCC Gift Box or Basket
  • HBCC Gift Card (Online Store Purchases Only)
  • Financial Support
  • Other

We are not able to ship or mail donations. Please arrange for donation pick-up.